Friday, September 14, 2007

$315M Powerball only bought pain

$315 Powerball only bought painThis article is come from Commercial Appeal, September 14,2007. Jack Whittaker won $315 million Powerball and he's wondering if it worth it. After winning the jackpot: Jack wife left him and his drug addicted grandaughter died. Whittaker heritage the money and become a millionaire before he won the lottery. In December 2002 this is when Whittaker hir the largest-single jackpot ever, which is $314.9 million. Whittaker ask for lump-sum payout of $170 milion after taxes he brought home $93 million. Whittaker is at the age 59, instead of retiring he decided to start his new bussiness: construction, real estates, used cars, even movies. With all the money that had he's started to struggles with drinking, gambling and popular in public. He's home and car reapeatly burglarized . Whittaker later got charged twice with driving under influence and sued repeatly. He's been involved in 460 legal actions since winning. As many things build up and more problem his wife wanted to divorce, they had filed the divorce paper but not yet sign them. His daughter, Ginger McMahan had been suffere with cancer for years, she's in the process of cure but she still remain in poor halth. Whittaker has spent $23 million to build the church and everything is completed. Whittaker said "everything that we have built in a way that it went to her 21st birthday." His daughter will never saw that day because she dying at 17 struggling with drug addiction. This story want to warn people that's still addicted to gambling. This situtuation happen to many of the people out there right now. I could say that it already happen in my family many years ago my uncle and aunt almost divorce bacause the goes to casino so much that they kept on loosing money. Next thing they have to borrow money from the credit card to pay for their debt, and it just keep on building up the interest money. Gambling can be fun but it also can make a person lost everything that they have. Remember money is not everything in life there're many other valuable things out there.

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